Jinning Liu, Kevin S. Jones, Daniel F. Downey and Sandeep Mehta, “Onset of Extended Defect Formation and Enhanced Diffusion for Ultra-Low Energy Boron Implants,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 568, 9-14, 1999.
Richard Brindos, Mark E. Law, Kevin S. Jones, and Ebrahim Andideh, “Arsenic Trapping and its Effect on Enhanced Diffusion,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 568, 169-174, 1999.
Lahir Shaik Adam, Mark E. Law, Omer Dokumaci, Yaser. Haddara, Cheruvu Murthy, Heemyong Park, Suri Hegde, Dureseti Chidambarro, Steve Mollis, Tony Domenicucci, Chester Dziobkowski, Kevin Jones, Phillip Wong, Ralph Young and R. Srinivasan, “Nitrogen Implantation and Diffusion in Silicon,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 568, 277-281, 1999.
J. Li, P. Keys, J. Chen, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, and Craig Jasper, “Transient Enhanced Diffusion of Phosphorus and Defect Evolution in P+ Implanted Si,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 568, 175-180, 1999.
P.H. Keys, J.H. Li, E. Heitman, P.A. Packan, M.E. Law, and K.S. Jones, “Effect of Extended Defects on the Enhanced Diffusion of Phosphorus Implanted Silicon,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 568, 199-204, 1999.
J. R. Shallenberger, D.A. Cole, S.W. Novak, R.L. Moore, M.J. Edgell, S.P. Smith, C.J. Hitzman, J.F. Kirchhoff, E. Principe, S. Biswas, R.J. Bleiler, W. Nieveen, K.S. Jones, “Oxide Thickness Determination by XPS, AES, SIMS, RBS, and TEM,” 1998 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 79-82, 1999.
H.J. Miller, C. Jasper, T.C. Smith, A. Hoover, K.S. Jones, “MeV Implanted Boron and Phosphorus Photoresist Penetration Tests,” 1998 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 513-516, 1999.
C. Jasper, A. Hoover and K.S. Jones, “Defect Formation in MeV Ion Implantation of Boron and Phosphorus,” 1998 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 704-707, 1999.
Kevin S. Jones, Dan Downey, Holly Miller, Judy Chow, Jian Chen, Maggie Puga-Lambers, Kathryn Moller, Mike Wright, Erica Heitman, Josh Glassberg, Mark Law, Lance Robertson and Rich Brindos, “Transient Enhanced Diffusion in Low Energy Arsenic Implanted Silicon,” 1998 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 841-844, 1999.
Daniel F. Downey, Kevin S. Jones, “The Role of Extended Defects on the Formation of Ultra-shallow Junctions in Ion Implanted 11B+, 49BF2, 75As+ and 31P+,” 1998 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 897-901, 1999.
E. Ishida, D. F. Downey, K. S. Jones, J. Liu, “The Chemical Effect of Fluorine on Boron Transient Enhanced Diffusion,” 1998 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 909-912, 1999.
Jinning Liu, Daniel F. Downey, Kevin S. Jones, Emi Ishida, “Flourine Effect on Boron Diffusion: Chemical or Damage?” 1998 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 951-954, 1999.
Qing Zhai, Jinghong Li, Jay Lewis, Karen Waldrip, Kevin Jones, Paul Holloway, M. Puga-Lambers, Mark Davidson, “Effects of Co-Dopants on the Microstructure and El Properties of the ZnS:Mn Luminescence Materials,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 560, 21-26, 1999.