Conference Presentations (1988)

Conference Presentations (1988)

M.E. Law, J.R. Pfiester & R.W. Dutton, “The effect of implantation damage on arsenic/phosphorus codiffusion,” Electron Devices Meeting, 1988. Technical Digest., International. p. 640-643, December 1988.

K.S. Jones, D. Venables, C.R. Horne & G. Davis, “Enhanced elimination of extended defects associated with P+ and Ga+ implantation of SIMOX,” SOS/SOI Technology Workshop, 1988. Proceedings., 1988 IEEE, p. 49, October 1988.

S. Prussin and K.S. Jones, “Role of Ion Mass and Implant Dose on End of Range Defects,” Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Materials for ULSI, ed., M.D. Scott, (ECS Press, Pennington, NJ), 88-19, 95-102, 1988.

S.J. Pearton, K.T. Short, K.S. Jones and S.M. Vernon, “Activation and Interdiffusion Characteristics in Implanted GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures on Si,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 126, 97-103, 1988.

S.J. Pearton, K.S. Jones, K.T. Short, C.R. Abernathy, R. Caruso, S.N.G. Chu and S.M. Vernon, “Characterization of GaAs-AlGaAs Heterostructures Grown on Si by MOCVD,” Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Materials for ULSI, ed., M.D. Scott, (ECS Press, Pennington, NJ), 88-19, 95-102, 1988.

K.S. Jones, D. Venables, C.R. Horne and G. Davis, “Ion Implantation Doping of SIMOX with 31P and 69Ga,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 128, 617–622, 1988.

W.S. Hobson, S.J. Pearton, K.T. Short, K.S. Jones, S.M. Vernon, D.C. Jacobson, C.R. Abernathy and R. Caruso, “Growth and Characterization of GaAs-Based Superlattices on Si by MOCVD,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 116, 147-153, 1988.

S.J. Pearton, K.T. Short, K.S. Jones, W.S. Hobson, M.J. Vasile, B. Emerson, E.O. Lane, T.R. Fullowan, A.E. Von Neida and N.M. Haegel, “Temperature Dependence of Etch Rate and Residual Damage in Reactively Ion Etched GaAs and AlGaAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 129, 489-494, 1988.

S.J. Pearton, K.T. Short, K.S. Jones and A.G. Baca, “Ion Beam Induced Intermixing of WSiO.45 on GaAs,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 128, 249-254, 1988.