Conference Presentations (2000)
Mark E. Law, Kevin S. Jones, “A New Model for {311} Defects Based on In-Situ Measurement Electron Device Meeting, IEDM Technical Digest. International. San Francisco, CA, p. 511-514, December 2000
I. Avci, H.A. Rueda & M.E. Law, “Model for the evolution of dislocation loops in silicon,” Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 2000. SISPAD 200. 2000 International Conference on, p. 210-213, September 2000
Omer Dokumaci, Paul Ronsheim, Suri Hegde, Dureseti Chidambarrao, Lahir Shaik-Adam, and Mark E. Law, “Effect of Nitrogen Implants on Boron Transient Enhanced Diffusion,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 610, B5.9.1-6, 2000.
Heather Banisaukas, Kevin S. Jones, Somit Talwar, Scott Falk and Dan F. Downey, “Defect Reduction in Laser Thermal Processing,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp Proc.., 610, B10.3.1-6, 2000.
G. Subramanian, K.S. Jones, M.E. Law, M.J. Caturla, S. Theiss and T. Diaz de la Rubia, “Relative Stability of Silicon Self-Interstitial Defects,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 610, B11.10.1-6, 2000.
Kevin S. Jones, Erik Kuryliw, Robert Murto, Michael Rendon and Somit Talwar, “Boron Diffusion upon Annealing of laser Thermal Processed Silicon,” 2000 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 111-114, 2000.
L.S. Robertson, P.N. Warnes, M.E. Law, K.S. Jones, D. F. Downey and J. Liu, “The Role of Fluorine on Reducing TED in Boron Implanted Silicon,” 2000 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 171-174, 2000.
Robert Murto, Kevin Jones, Michael Rendon and Somit Talwar, “Activation and Deactivation Studies of Laser Thermal Annealed Boron, Arsenic, Phosphorus, and Antimony Ultra-Shallow Abrupt Junctions,” 2000 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 155-158, 2000.
Robert Murto, Kevin Jones, Michael Rendon and Somit Talwar, “An Investigation of Species Dependence in Germanium Pre-amorphized and Laser Thermal Annealed Ultra-Shallow Abrupt Junctions,” 2000 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 182-185, 2000.
Peter Borden, Clarence Furguson, David Sing, Larry Larson, Laurie Bechtler, Kevin Jones and Peter Gable, “In-line Characterization of Preamorphous Implants (PAI),” 2000 International Conference Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings, 635-638, 2000.