Peer-Reviewed Publications (2016)

Peer-Reviewed Publications (2016)

C.S.C Barrett, T.P. Martin, X.-y. Bao, E.L.Kennon, L. Gutierrez, P. Martin, E. Sanchez & Jones, K.S. (2016) “Effect of Bulk Growth Temperature on Antiphase Domain Boundary Annihilation Rate in MOCVD-grown GaAs on Si(001) Journal of Crystal Growth Volume 15 September 2016 Pages 39-44 (2016); ECS
Ryan Murray,Katherine Haynes, Xueying Zhao, Scott Perry, Christopher Hatem & Jones, K. S. (2016) “The Effect of Low Energy Ion Implantation on MoS2 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Volume 5 Issue 11 Q3050-Q3053 (2016) DOI: 10.1149/2.0111611jss;
Lind, A. G., Martin, T.P., Sorg, V.C., Kennon, E.L., Truong, V.Q., Aldridge, H. L.,Jr, Hatem, C., Thompson, M.O., & Jones, K. S. (2016) “Activation of Si implants into InAs characterized by Raman scattering” Journal of Applied Physics 119, 095705(2016);